1.1 - No "Ice Colds" Rule
This is an original wrestler federation only. You cannot apply as The Rock, Stone Cold, or any other of your favorite superstars; you must create your own character. No rip-offs either. There will not be any badasses named "Ice Cold". This is often up to the discretion of the staff as to whether your character is a ripoff or not, but it is usually pretty obvious.
1.2 - No Extreme Sizes
Size limits are put within the application, but keep this in mind. Your guy cannot be 17 feet tall and 800 pounds. Even if you fit within the limits which are based in reality, you must also remember that this will effect the speed, strength, and endurance of your character. Small and light wrestlers will be faster and able to do high flying moves, but they'll be weaker and have less endurance, whereas tall, fat guys will be slow and stay on the ground, but they will be stronger and last longer in most cases.
1.3 - Entry Limits
This rule is difficult to explain, but we try to limit the number of active wrestlers you control. The basic reason for this rule is so that you will never have more than 2 matches on a card. Now, that still leaves many possibilities for you to explore, so I will list all the possible combinations.
A) 1 Singles Wrestler (Can Tag With Another Handler's Wrestler, Doesn't Matter)
B) 1 Tag Team (Tag Matches 99% Of The Time)
C) 2 Singles Wrestlers (Singles Only And Often Have Nothing To Do With Each Other)
D) 1 Singles Wrestler (Like In A) AND 1 Tag Team (Tag Matches ONLY)
E) 2 Tag Teams (Tag Matches ONLY)
F) 1 Tag Team (Each Member Also Wrestles Singles, But Not On The Same Card)
Anything other than this MUST be discussed with the staff, because these are the only acceptable possibilities that come to mind right now.
1.4 - Managers
Managers also have limits, merely in order to prevent someone from having one wrestler and yet have their own stable of 8 managers. Depending on the entry type you chose above, you will be limited to a certain number of managers. If you fit into A, B, or F in Section 1.3, you may only have 2 total managers. If you fit into C, D, or E in Section 1.3, you may only have 3 total managers.
Also, managers will not wrestle on a regular basis at ALL. Only if an angle has been requested and approved will a manager be booked on a card, and in order for a manager to be in a match, the wrestler(s) they manager will not be booked on that same card.
1.5 - Requirements Of The Federation
Some requirements of SWF are quite simple. You must roleplay at least once a week, whether you are booked or not. This is so we know you are still interested in the federation and didn't drop off the end of the earth. If you have a conflict and will be unable to roleplay for more than a week due to vacation, injury, or flooding (LOL), just drop an email to President Michael Trey, VP Bisc Limpkit, or the SWF Staff Email and we will be very understanding and try to work your abscence into on-air angles. However, if you do not roleplay for a full week and do not notify the staff, you will be sent a warning. You then have one more week to return to roleplaying. If you still don't show up (missing for full two weeks), then you will be removed from the active roster. Also, if you forgot to notify us or something like that and you wish to return, just email us and we will usually re-activate you. If you are constantly leaving and coming back without telling us ahead of time, however, you may not get re-activated after awhile...
SECTION 2 - Roleplay And Strategies: Some Rules And Guidlines
2.1 - Using Other Wrestlers In Roleplays
You MAY NOT USE other wrestlers in your roleplays without their permission. You must first ask them via email or OOC board. If they decide to let you use them, they must post a message in the OOC board or email the staff, letting us know that it was okay BEFORE THE ROLEPLAY IS POSTED. If we see a roleplay involving someone who did not tell us they could be used, we will save a copy of the roleplay and delete it from the board until we are informed otherwise.
2.3 - Indecent Or Obscene Roleplays
Some roleplays might end up crossing a line. This rule is very general, but very needed, and also is COMPLETELY UP TO THE STAFF, not the wrestlers. If you do something which is not stated as being unacceptable, but the staff still feels it was indecent or obscene, the roleplay will be removed or edited and you will be emailed a warning. If you do something like that on the same lines again, you may be fired; however, if you do something which isn't the same type as the first, you will just be warned again. This rule may include: bad racial jokes, graphic sexual descriptions, obscene name-calling, EXTREMELY graphic violence or gore, and anything else deemed obscene. Trust me, this rule will depend on the staff's interpretation of your roleplay. But the best way to decide whether to do something that might fall into this is to ask yourself a question: am I writing this to try and get people upset OOC, or am I writing it because it fits my character? If it is the former, then don't use it.
2.4 - Blatent Racism, Sexism, And All Those Other -Isms
While MOST problems which deal with racism, sexism and other -isms will fall into Rule 2.3, some people may take it to an extreme and have blatent racism, sexism, and other types of prejuidiced material in their roleplays. If the staff believes that you wrote that roleplay with obvious intent to show extreme prejuidice, the roleplay will be removed and it will be reason to be fired IMMEDIATELY. Please, please, PLEASE... if you aren't sure about something, ask before posting.
2.5 - Strategies And Their Content
Strategies, or "strats", are sent in before a card and make writing a match easier and faster. Strats may include special entrances, in-ring interviews/promos, sneak attacks, rigged angles/matches, high spots or special moves, and anything else you can think of. When you write a strat, keep in mind that it DOES NOT HAVE TO BE USED. The staff will try to use all strats that are possible, but sometimes that just isn't possible. Also, do not write a strat and assume you will win. A good strat either has content which can be used whether you win or lose, or provides two scenarios for victory or defeat.
Sneak attacks may be sent in a strat without the victim being told, but only if the victim is not being seriously injured. If you wish to attack someone and injure them so they miss time, you MUST clear it with them, and they must let the staff know that it is okay with them.
Also, if you wish to request a match for the next week, send it in with your strat so we have plenty of time to make the card and have it up on time.
2.6 - Roleplaying Vs. Angles: How A Match Is Decided
Roleplaying vs. Angles is an argument I've run into a lot during my time as an e-fedder, and it's a difficult issue. In the SWF, most matches will be roleplaying based, probably 90% of the time. While roleplays will often decide winners, quantity is less important than quality most of the time. Now, of course, if your opponent writes 5 good roleplays and you do 1 GREAT one, you're still going to lose. But if quantity is fairly close and quality isn't, then quality can be the difference. Strats also count, depending on the amount of effort it seems you put into the strat. Interviews or written high spots can count for a lot, but still don't replace roleplaying.
Angles sent in a strat may often conflict and only one can be used. If this is the case, the person that wins the roleplay battle will get their angle used and we will try to adapt the other angle somehow. Angles and matches may be set ahead of time, but all wrestlers involved in the match(es) must email the staff in their strat so we know that it has been cleared. Angles are encouraged in the short-term, but any long-term angles you plan must be flexible to allow for the possibility of new wrestlers, etc.
SECTION 3 - General Conduct And Comments
3.1 Out Of Character Board Rules
On the public OOC board, you are expected to conduct yourself in at least a co-operative manner. Any complaints about how your strat was or wasn't used, about a loss, or about someone else's roleplays are reason for INSTANT TERMINATION. Complaining is NOT welcome on the public board; if you do have a complaint, you MUST do it in a private manner like what is listed in Rule 3.2 and keep it off the OOC board.
Also, on the OOC Board, do not attack other members of the federation. It is a given that you will not get along with everyone and you may even despise someone in the fed OOC. Do not bring it on the OOC board. It doesn't help matters at ALL. This fed is going to be open to many, many people and they will get their chances, even if you don't like them. Until they (or YOU) do something which gives the staff reason to fire them, please let it rest. Try to keep any conflicts you've had OOC before out of the SWF and come in here with a positive attitude towards the fed.
3.2 Proper Approach To Complain
If you DO have a complaint, the first thing is to either email President Michael Trey, VP Bisc Limpkit, or the SWF Staff Email and explain what the problem is and why you feel that way. Do NOT email us complaining that you lost and you think you should have won... email us explaining that you felt you deserved to win based on whatever reason, and ask for us to explain why you lost. Also, you may discuss any complaints with us on ICQ, AIM, or Y!IM if possible. KEEP ALL COMPLAINTS OUTSIDE THE FEDERATION BOARDS!
3.3 How To Get Angles Through
If you want to get an angle through, the main thing is to make sure that we know that everyone involved has approved of it. The larger the angle, the more important this is. A little sneak attack in a strat doesn't require the opponent's approval and probably would take away from the enjoyment. However, if you want to cripple or injure someone or just use someone else extensively in an angle, OR make a long-term angle, all the people involved must let us know that it is okay and you must keep us informed of your plans as they change. It helps to request matches, so we know where your angle is going.