LAST UPDATED: 09-19-00
"The Canadian Phatboy" Trevor Lasek
Handler Info | WM2K CAW | Roleplaying Graphics
- The Basics -
Real Name: Trevor Lasek
Nickname: "The Canadian Phatboy" Trevor Lasek
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 249 lbs
Hometown: London, Ontario - Canada
Age: 20
Years Experience: 1
Alignment: Face (In Canada) or Nuetral(In America)
Gimmick: Lasek IS the Canadian Phatboy, 'nuff said.
Wrestling Style: Risk Taker/Extreme(Fire/Lightbulbs/C4/Barbwire etc)/Hardcore
Theme Music: "Under the Influence" - Eminem
- Attributes -
Strength |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
Speed |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
Endurance |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
Intelligence |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
Charisma |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
- Appearance And History -
Physical Appearance:
Trevor is of course fat, he has abit of muscle but not much, he has a tattoo of a burning yin yang on the left side of his neck and has a scar on his chin from one of his major moves "The Splash From Hell" but it's covered from his black goatee, Trevor has short dark brown hair and has brown eyes. He sorta looks like Wifebeater from CZW.
In-Ring Attire:
Trevor will always where black ripped Cords about knee length, black knee pads and black shoes with red stripes on it. black taped wrists and has a black elbow pad on his left arm. Trevor likes to wear two T-shirts during his matches, sometimes he will wear a Red T-shirt with a burning Yin Yang on it or a black T-shirt with a Punisher skull Wrapped in red barbwire underneath he will always wear a black Wifebeater and over his shirt he will wear a black Unbutton T-shirt with Red Barbwire all over it.
Casual Attire:
Baically any kind of Hawaiian shirt and other types of modern clothes, but likes to wear a Tampa Bay Bucs hat backwards all the time aswell.
Previous Federations Wrestled In:
Life History:
Born in London, Canada. He got started in Wrestling at age 14. Went over to Hong Kong to train a bit more with his friend Xin Yim Kwan better known as Raj. Trevor's first Fed was okay but he didn't like it there, he then went to another fed and got fired for telling the boss to "Fuck Off" he then went to HWF for awhile but he did okay but not the best. Now he has come back to the ring with a new arsenal of moves waiting to unleash to the world!
- Move List -
Five Or More Trademark Moves:
1) "Mental Illness" - Front 3/4 nelson into Forward Russian Legsweep
2) "Lasek Driver" - Reverse Crucifix Powerbomb into Matslam
3) "Big F'N Splash" - Frogsplash into Elbow drop with Chair. (Has Chair while doing Frogsplash)
4) "Beg for Pain" - Argentine Backbreaker Rack into K-Driller (Emerald Fusion/Frozen, Dreamer Driver)
5) "Big Bubba Bomb" - Superplex into Sitdown powerbomb
6) "Spine Snappa" - Fast lowblow into Spinebuster
7) "Neck Snappa" - Reverse Double Arm DDT into DDT
8) "Phat-DDT" - Cradle DDT into Reverse DDT
9) "Phat Smack" - Unknown
Major Trademark Moves:
"Murder Go Round" - Top Rope Spinning Michinoku Driver II
"Fat Fuck Driver" - Spinning Verticle Suplex into Double Arm DDT
"Shit Stainer" - Flapjack into Spinebuster (Normally onto Chair or through table)
"Splash From Hell" - Top Rope Frogsplash while on fire.
Finishing Moves:
"Shit Disturber" - Canadian Backbreaker Rack into Double Arm DDT onto Open Chair
"Phatboy Plunge" - Running Bulldog into Mat Slam
- Interview By James Nobles -