LAST UPDATED: 09-18-00

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- The Basics -

Real Name: Scott Stevens
Nickname: Mojo
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 196 lbs
Hometown: Clemson, SC - U.S.A
Age: 25
Years Experience: 5 (Pro) and 12 (Ametuer)

Alignment: Fan Fav Heel
Gimmick: Smartass. He has a bad habit of getting himself into trouble with everyone. But he's talented enough to back up his claims.
Wrestling Style: High Flying Technician

Theme Music: "Miserlou" - by Dick Dale and His Deftones (Enterance theme to "Pulp Fiction")

- Attributes -


- Appearance And History -

Physical Appearance:
Mojo isn't tall, and he isn't really big. He has a very lithe, athletic build. Very well-defined muscles, well-cut. On his right shoulder is a tattoo of the Japanese Character for the word Tiger. He has short bleached blond hair that is generally combed straight forward, but is randomly spiked on top. Think of Brad Pitt in Fight Club. He has brown eyes, no piercings or any other markings aside from the tattoo.

In-Ring Attire:
To the ring, Mojo dresses casually, he will wear black or khaki cargo pants with combat boots and usually a buttoned up shirt, worn unbuttoned. During the match, he removes the shirt. He's not all about costumes or physical trappings. He just fights in whatever he's comfortable in. He's been known to come to the ring barefoot and shorts, but his basic attire is cargo pants and combat boots.

Casual Attire:
He wears just about any article of clothing that he can buy for cheap. His favorite store to shop at is Goodwill. So Mojo dresses like any normal 24 year old, t-shirts, shorts, cargo pants, hawaiian shirts, baseball caps. He's just a normal guy.

-3 IC Titles, 2 Cruiserweight Titles, 2 Stable Titles, 1 Tag Team Title, and 1 FTW Title.

Previous Federations Wrestled In:

Life History:
Mojo has spent his early life in Spartanburg, South Carolina. He went to high school at James F. Byrnes and has been an athlete all his life. Wrestling was never a real goal for him, he just got into amateur stuff during middle school for fun. But whatever Mojo was doing, it had to be athletic. He was just that way. Wrestling just turned out to be perfect for him during high school, because it was an individual sport. Mojo played the other sports like Baseball and Football, but wasn't that much of a team player. He never had a real like for authority, and in high school it grew to a complete dislike for authority. He finished 3rd in the class by never studying or caring in any of his classes. He was just smart enough to know how to get by with a minimum of effort. Teachers could not stand him, because he turned their classes into jokes. He had his own way of thinking, and that did not involve learning the way everyone else learned.

After high school, Mojo could have gone to any college he wanted. He had scholarships for both academics and athletics waiting wherever he chose, but he ended up choosing Clemson University. This didn't fly over too well with his father, who was a Carolina grad. The disagreements between these two haven't ever been resolved since that first year at Clemson. Mojo majored in English, and minored in Film. He was always about classes where there were no definite answers. Because he could choose his own path there. As for sports, Mojo played baseball and football. He played football for only one year. Clemson football was in a downhill spiral after Danny Ford left the university, and Mojo got out of that program as soon as possible. He doesn't like people bossing him around anyway, and especially if that coaching staff in charge was inept like this one. Instead, he concentrated on baseball. Baseball was individual enough for Mojo to enjoy it. He was a pitcher, and he was a great individual player. As always. Everything athletic came easily to Mojo. During college, Mojo became very outspoken, often writing columns for the newspaper and doing various other things on-campus to voice his opinion. And because of this, Mojo never really learned how to shut up. He got in his share of fights with organizations and other students. But either way, he learned something. He learned that if you never shut up, people will listen to you. Or get pissed off at you. Either way, you're drawing attention.

During his junior year, this small, indy wrestling federation sprang up around Greenville. Mojo was always into things that weren't mainstream, so he checked this place out. It was incredible. These little basement auditoriums were sold out and standing room only. The wrestlers there were going all out and doing things that he had never seen before. He found something where people would go and be themselves and fight for themselves. And get paid for it! After the show, he went and talked to the promoter, a guy by the wrestling name Immortal. Immortal agreed to give Mojo a job as a ring worker, and he would teach Mojo wrestling lessons in return. Mojo worked his way up through this little federation, eventually gaining the second level belt in the entire fed in under 3 months of being a wrestler! The federation closed soon afterwards, but Mojo was hooked on wrestling. After graduation, he began wrestling full-time. Other federations that he joined were the ICW, the OWF, the WRF, and many other names. In each of these companies, Mojo became a champion quickly. But he never got his shot at the big title. Never. He has always been a contender, but never gotten the oppurtunity. In the ICW and OWF, he left the federations as the number 1 contender to the world title. The thing about Mojo is that he would usually give up title shots for trying to humiliate his opponents. He's not about hurting them, or even beating them for that matter. He just wants to look better after the match. So, he does impulsive things, like use an opponent's own move against them, or make fun of them during a match. He basically just likes to show off. And this isn't necessarily a smart thing to do. In fact, it gets Mojo in deep shit a lot. But he always takes whatever beating is coming to him, and he keeps fighting. Once again, impulsively trying to show-up the person he is after. Either way, Mojo is obsessed with proving he is the best, and he's done it in every federation he's ever been in. He's never had a like for authority, and he shows that in wrestling by not caring about anyone, jobber or superstar. And that's why he is now in the SWF. He just has another oppurtunity to show off and prove he's the best again. Should be a fun ride!

Specialty Match: Ladder Match
Weapon of Choice: Poolstick or Kendo Stick (Anything quick to swing and beat opponent up with without crippling them)

- Move List -

Five Or More Trademark Moves:
1) Quick DDT
2) Drop Toe-Hold into Single Leg Crab
3) Springboard Moonsault (Onto Prone Opponent)
4) Dropkick to Knee/Head
5) Superkick
6) Snap Suplex
7) Crooked Figure Four Leglock
8) Tarantula (Tajiri's [ECW] Rope-Thing move)

Major Trademark Move:
"Hitting the Cycle" - Running Baseball Slide to Tree of Woe Victim

Finishing Move:
"The G Spot" - From Anywhere Tornado Inverted DDT (Reverse DDT with a spinning/falling motion)

- Statistics -
(Note: All Statistics are from the CURRENT SWF Incarnation)

Titles Held: None
Win/Loss: 0 / 0
Current Allies: None
Current Rivals: None

- Interview By James Nobles -

JAMES NOBLES: What do you think of the SWF upon first impression?

MOJO:When I first started watching the show, I thought the fed was highly organized and well-done. It looked like the top. And I like coming to the top. And I like proving that I'm better than everyone at the top. You see, what I think of this fed is irrelevant... what really matters is what you will think of me.

JAMES NOBLES: What got you started in wrestling?

MOJO: Didn't you even read my bio before you came here to interview me? I will tell you one thing that did not get me into wrestling. And that was the opportunity to be interviewed by a fat, old, balding, has-been of a wrestler who got on his knees to get a job in the front office. I'm not about political bullshit, I'm about showing people what I can do and how well I can do it. And wrestling is the perfect outlet for that. Next question.

JAMES NOBLES: If you weren't wrestling, where would your life have led?

MOJO: Actually, right now, I'd probably be playing professional baseball or something equally horrible. The truth is, there is nothing I'd rather do than wrestle. And I don't even want to think about where I'd be if I wasn't wrestling, because it's not going to happen.

JAMES NOBLES: Do you have any fallback abilities or plans for your life besides wrestling?

MOJO: Fallback abilities? That's your problem right there, you think everyone needs a plan! I don't want a plan, I don't have a plan, I just go. That's all I do. If you want to make fallback plans, you're never going to get anywhere. I don't have a fallback, I just have a future. And my future is pretty fucking bright.

JAMES NOBLES: Do you have any secret talents or little habits?

MOJO: I collect wrestling interviewer's bad toupees. Want to join the collection?

JAMES NOBLES: If you could wrestle ANYONE in history, who would it be, and why?

MOJO: Ghandi. Do you even have to ask why?

JAMES NOBLES: If you could have any job, what would it be, and why?

MOJO: No one in their right mind wants a real job. All a real job does is give you a limit to what you're doing. A real job is nothing but a restriction on real life. I don't want a job, and I've never wanted a job. I've only wanted the freedom to do whatever I want, whenever I want. That's why I'm a wrestler, and that's why I'm a damn good wrestler. Because I don't give a fuck about anything. I just don't care. And a lot of people don't like that. But the reason people don't like that is because they are jealous. People are jealous because they are tied down, they are fenced in, and they are held back from reaching their full position. All because they want a job, and the "American Dream." Fuck that American Dream. I'm living the real American Dream, and you all know that.

JAMES NOBLES: What's the best advice you could give to a new wrestler?

MOJO: Reject the basic assumptions of society. Always assume you are better than you are. Never give in to social hierarchies. They are always made to be broken. Your basic goal is to get your foot in the door so you can become one of the greats. To get there, don't play the game, be above the game. Don't have a plan. Don't have a goal. Just go. Just live it. Just do what you believe. Only then will you have let go, and only then will you have simultaneously hit bottom, and reached the top.

DISCLAIMER: All pictures of actual wrestlers within this site are property of their respective owners, most likely the World Wrestling Federation, World Championship Wrestling, or Extreme Championship Wrestling. No copyright or trademark infringment is intended. All other content, graphics, and HTML within this site is property of the SWF and may not be used without permission, although minor aspects of the page were derived from other federations (HWF and EPWA) or were used in the original SWF run.