LAST UPDATED: 09-19-00
Johnny Drake
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- The Basics -
Real Name: Johnathon Marcus Drake
Nickname: Johnny Drake
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 227 lbs
Hometown: Fishkill, NY - U.S.A
Age: 22
Years Experience: 2
Alignment: Comedic/Monster Heel
Gimmick: "Drake=Ratings"
Wrestling Style: All-Arounder
Theme Music: "Slippin" by DMX
- Attributes -
Strength |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
Speed |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
Endurance |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
Intelligence |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
Charisma |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
- Appearance And History -
Physical Appearance:
Johnny is a white male. He's pretty built for his height, and is very tan all year round. Johnny has shaved brown hair and usually has a small chin goatee, much like Edge. He also has an eyebrow ring over his right eye. Johnny's body is clean shaven and shined up before matches. Resemblance=Christopher Daniels.
In-Ring Attire:
On his way to the ring, Johnny wears black Kikwear pants, a black tanktop, sunglasses, and a black fitted baseball cap; usually worn backwards. The pants are very baggy and he sometimes has chains hanging from them. He also wears shiny black boots along with white wristbands. During matches, Johnny takes off his tanktop and sunglasses but leaves on his hat. The chains from the pants are also removed.
Casual Attire:
Johnny, in his spare time, usually wears black Kikwear pants or baggy khakis. He also sometimes wears black dress pants. His upper body is usually covered with a DMX-type shirt, or an old HWF shirt. The shirts are usually VERY tight, almost like the Hardyz. Johnny is always wearing his signature hat, along with sunglasses. He tries to wear a lot of ice too. He has a silver Ankh necklace usually drapped around his neck.
- NEW Hardcore & Tag Team Champion (w/ Shane Austin)
- FOVW Hardcore Champion
- APWA Tag Team Champion (w/ Gavin Coens)
- 2-Time EPWA Tag Team Champion (w/ Shane Blake & Kyle Solomon)
Previous Federations Wrestled In:
Life History:
Johnathan Marcus Drake was born on September 11th, 1978. He was born into a family of three in the small town of Fishkill, New York. He had a father, mother, and older brother named Bryan. Growing up, Johnathan and Bryan loved wrestling and idolized the superstars of the WWF. Their whole life, they wanted to somehow be involved in the business. They'd always practice on each other and cut interviews in front of the mirror and stuff. The Drake Brothers' parents didn't really seem to care what they did with their lives, as long as they were happy and safe. When Bryan graduated from high school, he decided to join a wrestling academy to go after his dream. This desicion would change both Bryan's life and Johnathan's life forever.
After a few months in the school, Bryan competed in his first wrestling match, which was actually a battle royale. He obviously didn't win but it felt good just being there. Johnathan was in the crowd last night and looked on. He also had plans of joining wrestling school as soon as he turned 18 that summer. A few months later, Bryan was wrestling an up-and-comer from the Hardcore Wrestling Federation in Philadelphia. Johnathan was there that night, as always. Bryan was in control and went for a Bordello Bomb. His opponent reversed it and slipped on the mat, causing Bryan to be dropped rudely on his neck. The match was immediately stopped and Bryan was rushed to the hospital. For one whole year, Bryan layed motionless in a hospital bed, not able to move anything from his neck down.
This sent Johnathan into a downward spiral, causing him to drop out of school and to start hanging out with bad crowds. Johnathan picked up the name T-Dogg on the streets, due to being embarrassed by his brother's injury. Johnathan started to get in back alley fights and prided himself on winning. One day he picked a fight with one of Bryan's former best friends, and now wrestler. Johnathan and this guy ended up brawling to the back of a bar and onto a dumpster. Johnathan knocked the guy out cold with one punch, and then proceeded to try and powerbomb him off of this dumpster. This didn't work very well, but the guy did get rotated enough for it to be considered a bomb. Anyway, long story short, the police came and arrested Johnathan for Assault and Johnathan was forced to spend a year in jail without bail. In jail, however, he met Jerome Jackson. Jerome was a huge black man serving time for Armed Robbery. They were scheduled to get out at the same time and, due to the news of Bryan's recovery, Johnathan decided to once again try his hand at wrestling.
Johnathan wrestled all over the country as T-Dogg. He was in such feds as the HWF, NEW, APWA, FOVW, and EWA. During his stay in those feds he obtained numerous titles and acolades. He even brought along old friends on the road and made them his "Entourage". Something was missing though. Something inside of Johnathan. During a visit home to Fishkill, he relized what that something was--his brother, Bryan. By this time Bryan could now walk with a cane and was getting the feeling back in all of his extremities.
Johnathan made a vow to never wrestle another match unless Bryan was in his corner or on the apron tagging it him. Eventually that day came and Johnny rejoined the HWF under his real name. Everything was set for HWF's King of Violence PPV. Bryan had gotten flown in and was preparing for the big tournament with Johnny. After a horrible showing at the HWF's King of Violence tournament, Bryan left Johnny. He told Johnny to get out "with his health" but Johnny didn't listen. Due to legal actions with the HWF, Johnny had to find a new federation to join. Low and behold, the same man who beat Johnny at the King of Violence recruited Johnny into a different fed. Johnny dropped his old "Superstar" nickname and took the role as EPWA's Innovator of Offense. Johnny lives off of that gasp the crowd gives him everytime he unleashes one of his innovations. It had become the only thing important to him.
Until, that is, he met his current friend and tag team partner "Five Star" Shane Blake. Blake and Drake, now collectively known as In Demand, went on to have more impact on the EPWA than any other duo. Drake had so much heat backstage, that he was fired by President Jayson Starr. Their off-camera rivalry still lives on today. Nowadays, Johnny wrestles in the SWF, where he searches for the meaning to his career. The only answer he has is the SWF World Championship!
Specialty Match: Johnny Drake's "House Rules"
Weapon of Choice: N/A
- Move List -
Five Or More Trademark Moves:
1) "Hot Shit" - Argentinian Rack swung into Double Arm DDT
2) "Bordello Bomb" - Tombstone into Inverted Powerbomb
3) "Edgecrusher" - Fireman's Carry thrown into Switch Shoulder Cutter (ie, opponent crosses shoulders)
4) "Fallen Angel" - Running Powerslam into Cutter
5) "Flash of Light" - Front chancery into a Tomikazee (like Twist of Fate version of a "Christian Impaler/Tomikazee")
6) "Gadget Driver" - Olympic Slam into Michinoku Driver 2
7) "Grand Central Spike" - Torture Rack into Tomikazee
8) "Painkiller" - Tornado Pedigree from 2nd Rope
9) "Rolling Thunder" - Roll-through Half Crab into STF
10) "Salty Discharge" - Fireman's Carry into Kryptonite Krunch
11) "Sweet Surrender" - Hangman's Tomikazee/Impaler out of Corner
12) "The Big Payoff" - Super Swanton Bomb off ANY high object
13) "Xplicities" - Sitdown Dominator
Major Trademark Move:
"Liquid Drano" - Powerslam Brainbuster (Similiar to Emerald Frozen/Fusion/K-Driller)
Finishing Moves(s):
"Cardiac Arrest" - Dragon Sleeper into Camel Clutch (Retaining the Dragon Sleeper)
"Blast from the Past" - Spinning 3.O (Three-Point-O) (Johnny grabs the opponent in a chinlock while stands behind, with his right arm. He then rotates to the left and thus spins around to still have a chinlock on, but is now to the right of the opponent, he keeps rotating his body untill the opponent is forced to be stretched across his back in an inverted bulldog type hold. The opponents legs are on one side of Drake and the head is on the other side being bent back facing the sky. Johnny then snaps down to the ground onto his knees, arching the opponents back and neck in the wrong way. "Above Average" Mike Sanders finisher)
- Statistics -
(Note: All Statistics are from the CURRENT SWF Incarnation)
Titles Held: (SWF World Title X1)
Win/Loss: 2 / 0
Current Allies: None
Current Rivals: Kyle Solomon, King Kobra, Damien Hunter
- Interview By James Nobles -
JAMES NOBLES: What do you think of the SWF upon first impression?
JOHNNY DRAKE:I think the SWF has potential, especially since Johnny Drake is on roster. I came here for two reasons, and two reasons only. Number one: I want to win the World Title. Number two: I want a fed where I will be appreciated and won't be screwed over by everybody and their mothers. We'll have to see if the SWF can handle me.
JAMES NOBLES: What got you started in wrestling?
JOHNNY DRAKE: My brother was an independant wrestler for a few years until getting his neck broken and ultimately ending his career. I went to jail for a while and, when I got out, I figured I'll try my hand at it. With his ties and my talent, it was an easy transition.
JAMES NOBLES: If you weren't wrestling, where would your life have led?
JOHNNY DRAKE: No fucking clue! Before I entered the HWF, my life was on a downward spiral. I guess I'd be on the street somewhere or working in some factory. Wrestling saved my life, and I just want some recognition.
JAMES NOBLES: Do you have any fallback abilities or plans for your life besides wrestling?
JOHNNY DRAKE: Nope. If this wrestling thing doesn't work out for me, then I'm lost. Maybe Trey would give me a job on staff or something. I don't know, I don't like to think about stuff like that. I'm sure someone would have a place for me somewhere. I'm all about the present though.
JAMES NOBLES: Do you have any secret talents or little habits?
JOHNNY DRAKE: Not really. Your god has only graced me with one talent; and that's wrestling. Although, I'm a master in the ways of the women; much more than these bland wrestlers like Solomon or Palms.
JAMES NOBLES: If you could wrestle ANYONE in history, who would it be, and why?
JOHNNY DRAKE: Hulk Hogan. I wrestle to hurt people and I would love to injure the most famous, yet least talented, legend of our sport. Hogan needs to be put out of commission, and I'm just the man for the job
JAMES NOBLES: If you could have any job, what would it be, and why?
JOHNNY DRAKE: I'd probably be the man right below Bill Gates in the Microsoft ladder. I mean, I wouldn't be bringing in billions but I'd get a hefty profit for not doing that much work. Plus, if a few million dollars of Gate's accidentally transfered to my bank account, who'd really know?
JAMES NOBLES: What's the best advice you could give to a new wrestler?
JOHNNY DRAKE: Watch a Johnny Drake match and learn.