LAST UPDATED: 09-18-00

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- The Basics -

Real Name: Unknown
Nickname: Gangus
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 175 lbs
Hometown: Hells Kitchen, NY - U.S.A
Age: 21
Years Experience: 3

Alignment: Neutral
Gimmick: Gothic/Hard-core
Wrestling Style: Hardcore/High-flyer

Theme Music: "Smells Like Teen Spirit" - Nirvana

- Attributes -


- Appearance And History -

Physical Appearance:
Looks just like Kurt Cobain. He wears a long black trench coat with his name in dark blue on the back. His black pants have a dark blue barbed-wire pattern wrapped around the legs(jericho's pants), and a black, torn t-shirt.

In-Ring Attire:
See Above...

Casual Attire:
See Above...

U.S. Champion, 1/2 Team Champion, 1/3 Stables Champion.
Tag Team Champion

Previous Federations Wrestled In:

Life History:

Specialty Match: N/A
Weapon of Choice: N/A

- Move List -

Five Or More Trademark Moves:
1) Brainbuster
2) Cradle Piledriver
3) Super Kick
4) Powerbomb
5) Bulldog
6) DDT
7) Moonsault
8) 450 Splash

Major Trademark Move:
Senton Bomb

Finishing Move:
"Purgatory" - Fall-Forward Inverted DDT (Christian's Reverse DDT)

- Statistics -
(Note: All Statistics are from the CURRENT SWF Incarnation)

Titles Held: None
Win/Loss: 0 / 1
Current Allies: None
Current Rivals: None

- Interview By James Nobles -

JAMES NOBLES: What do you think of the SWF upon first impression?

GANGUS:It Needs Me, a true Hardcore icon to help them out.

JAMES NOBLES: What got you started in wrestling?

GANGUS: An old friend (Ash) needed a partner.

JAMES NOBLES: If you weren't wrestling, where would your life have led?

GANGUS: Playing guitar for a band.

JAMES NOBLES: Do you have any fallback abilities or plans for your life besides wrestling?

GANGUS: Find a wife and settle down.

JAMES NOBLES: Do you have any secret talents or little habits?

GANGUS: I love playing with fire, and barbed-wire. I LIVE hardcore.

JAMES NOBLES: If you could wrestle ANYONE in history, who would it be, and why?

GANGUS: Ash. We've only had one match against each other, and it turned out to be a draw.

JAMES NOBLES: If you could have any job, what would it be, and why?

GANGUS: I'd be my idol, Kurt Cobain, because he had it all and didn't see it, and he's great!

JAMES NOBLES: What's the best advice you could give to a new wrestler?

GANGUS: Don't get near me, or I'll kick your ass.

DISCLAIMER: All pictures of actual wrestlers within this site are property of their respective owners, most likely the World Wrestling Federation, World Championship Wrestling, or Extreme Championship Wrestling. No copyright or trademark infringment is intended. All other content, graphics, and HTML within this site is property of the SWF and may not be used without permission, although minor aspects of the page were derived from other federations (HWF and EPWA) or were used in the original SWF run.