LAST UPDATED: 09-18-00
Handler Info | WM2K CAW | Roleplaying Graphics | Homepage
- The Basics -
Real Name: Unknown
Nickname: Gangus
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 175 lbs
Hometown: Hells Kitchen, NY - U.S.A
Age: 21
Years Experience: 3
Alignment: Neutral
Gimmick: Gothic/Hard-core
Wrestling Style: Hardcore/High-flyer
Theme Music: "Smells Like Teen Spirit" - Nirvana
- Attributes -
Strength | ||||||||||
Speed | ||||||||||
Endurance | ||||||||||
Intelligence | ||||||||||
Charisma |
- Appearance And History -
Physical Appearance:
Looks just like Kurt Cobain. He wears a long black trench coat with his name in dark blue on the back. His black pants have a dark blue barbed-wire pattern wrapped around the legs(jericho's pants), and a black, torn t-shirt.
In-Ring Attire:
See Above...
Casual Attire:
See Above...
U.S. Champion, 1/2 Team Champion, 1/3 Stables Champion.
Tag Team Champion
Previous Federations Wrestled In:
Life History:
Specialty Match: N/A
Weapon of Choice: N/A
- Move List -
Five Or More Trademark Moves:
1) Brainbuster
2) Cradle Piledriver
3) Super Kick
4) Powerbomb
5) Bulldog
6) DDT
7) Moonsault
8) 450 Splash
Major Trademark Move:
Senton Bomb
Finishing Move:
"Purgatory" - Fall-Forward Inverted DDT (Christian's Reverse DDT)
- Statistics -
(Note: All Statistics are from the CURRENT SWF Incarnation)
Titles Held: None
Win/Loss: 0 / 1
Current Allies: None
Current Rivals: None
- Interview By James Nobles -
JAMES NOBLES: What do you think of the SWF upon first impression?
GANGUS:It Needs Me, a true Hardcore icon to help them out.
JAMES NOBLES: What got you started in wrestling?
GANGUS: An old friend (Ash) needed a partner.
JAMES NOBLES: If you weren't wrestling, where would your life have led?
GANGUS: Playing guitar for a band.
JAMES NOBLES: Do you have any fallback abilities or plans for your life besides wrestling?
GANGUS: Find a wife and settle down.
JAMES NOBLES: Do you have any secret talents or little habits?
GANGUS: I love playing with fire, and barbed-wire. I LIVE hardcore.
JAMES NOBLES: If you could wrestle ANYONE in history, who would it be, and why?
Ash. We've only had one match against each other, and it turned out to be a draw.
JAMES NOBLES: If you could have any job, what would it be, and why?
GANGUS: I'd be my idol, Kurt Cobain, because he had it all and didn't see it, and he's great!
JAMES NOBLES: What's the best advice you could give to a new wrestler?
GANGUS: Don't get near me, or I'll kick your ass.