LAST UPDATED: 10-08-00
"Insomniac" Dade Lawrence
Handler Info | WM2K CAW | Roleplaying Graphics
- The Basics -
Real Name: Dade Lawrence
Nickname: "Insomniac" Dade Lawrence
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 234 lbs
Hometown: Wilmington, Dalaware - USA
Age: 25
Years Experience: 5
Alignment: Neutral
Gimmick: Dark and Humoured, Smartass.
Wrestling Style: All-Rounder
Theme Music: "Hey Man, Nice Shot" - by Filter
- Attributes -
Strength | ||||||||||
Speed | ||||||||||
Endurance | ||||||||||
Intelligence | ||||||||||
Charisma |
- Appearance And History -
Physical Appearance:
Blue Eyes, Dark Brown Hair, Muscles are toned yet not
ripped, or average. Has a scar on his forehead which he recieved from a knife
fight when he was younger. Wears sunglasses often because of a physical disorder that he has with light and the sun. He is slightly chubby around the stomach
In-Ring Attire:
Wears Insomniac T-Shirt when he comes to the ring that Insomniac in wavy neon green writing in the front and has the phrase "Had Sleep?" on the back of the shirt. He wears black tights that have the same wavy neon green writing that the shirt has, but is on the pant legs this time and on the left side has "Sleep" and on the right has "Walker." Also has one neon green elbowpad that he wears on his left arm and two taped wristbands.
Casual Attire:
Neon green t-shirt and dark blue jeans with normal shoes.
-2 Time All Delaware State Wrestling Champion
Previous Federations Wrestled In:
Life History:
Dade "Insomniac" Lawrence was
born in the small town of Bayard, Delaware in 1974. He was born at the same time a lunar eclipse was taking place. Since then Dade has never enjoyed light, and hates to go out into the sun. The children in his grade school classes gave him the nickname "Insomniac," for his hate of the sun and his usual choice of going out of the house at night where light is blind. Dade not enjoying the mocks and jeers of other students, got into a brutal knife fight with one of his classmates which Dade received a scar from a cut of his assailant's knife. Dade went through high school looking up at a sport he suddenly took a lot of interest in, professional wrestling. Dade begins to wrestle for his high school in which he wins some of the greatest honors for his school, including state championship. The other students start to take in to Dade's "Insomniac" persona and begin praising Dade as a school hero. Dade after high school tries out for one of the premier feds in Delaware, DCW (Delaware Championship Wrestling) and becomes one of the most feared men in the ring. With his dangerous "Sleep Walker" maneuver he has taken out many of his opponents including his nemesis, Jenkins Hawk. Dade is a tremendous wrestler and still loves to take out all his opponents with his devastating maneuvers all named after his sleep disorder.
Specialty Match: Ladder Match
Weapon of Choice: Steel Folding Chair
- Move List -
Five Or More Trademark Moves:
1) "Sleep-o-matic" - K Driller w/ Full Nelson Applied (Emerald Fusion/Frozen w/ Full Nelson)
2) "Rise and Shine" - Fireman's Carry into Square Driver (Fireman's Carry Sitdown Tombstone)
3) "Sleeping Pill" - Argentine Backbreaker Rack into Bulldog (Torture Rack into Bulldog)
4) "Goodnight Irene" - (Two Part Combo) Layout Inverted/Reverse DDT picked up and spun into Inverted Facelock rolled into 3/4 Neckbreaker (Spindocter/Roll of the Dice/Last Rites/Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker)
5) "Nightlife" - Crossed Arm Shoulder Mount into Inverted Sit-down Powerbomb (Scream Machine/Electric Chair Drop)
Major Trademark Move:
"Nightmare Awakening" - Delayed Cobra-Clutch Suplex into 3/4 Facelock Neckbreaker (Diamond Cutter)
Finishing Move:
"Sleep Walker" - T-Bone Suplex into Piledriver from behind (Exploder/T-Bone Suplex into Crown's Gate/Beach Break)
- Statistics -
(Note: All Statistics are from the CURRENT SWF Incarnation)
Titles Held: None
Win/Loss: 0 / 0
Current Allies: None
Current Rivals: None
- Manager Info -
Manager's Name: Bella Donna
Manager's Gender: Female
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 134 lbs
Appearance: Bella usually wears a neon green tanktop (the same color as Dade's writing on his shirt). She has medium length blonde hair. Her chest area is slightly ellongated than most normal women. She usually wears jeans, but she will wear shorts on occasion to appeal to other men's sexuality.
1) Ace Crusher, throat first across the rope
2) Superkick
3) Running Bulldog switched into DDT
4) Kidney Punch
5) Frankensteiner
- Interview By James Nobles -
JAMES NOBLES: What do you think of the SWF upon first impression?
"INSOMNIAC":I think the SWF promises to be a good fed where former nobody wrestlers can
debut their shit and become somebodies. The Insomniac is here to bring darkness to the fed and stop that from happening.
JAMES NOBLES: What got you started in wrestling?
"INSOMNIAC": It wasn't so much of a "what," it was more of the "who." The person that got
me started in wrestling was my high school gym teacher who taught me how to
control my anger and use it to whip other people's asses in wrestling. If it
wasn't for him there would have been a lot more broken necks in the world of the Insomniac.
JAMES NOBLES: If you weren't wrestling, where would your life have led?
"INSOMNIAC": I don't really know about this, I probably would have been a psychologist
trying to find out what the hell was wrong with me (Chuckles Slightly). It would have to be during the Night Shift though.
JAMES NOBLES: Do you have any fallback abilities or plans for your life besides wrestling?
"INSOMNIAC": As I said in the previous question, not really. Wrestling is the Insomniac's
life and he wants it to be known he's going to be the pain in the ass wrestler who will never quit on anybody. I will always try to put 110% into my matches.
JAMES NOBLES: Do you have any secret talents or little habits?
"INSOMNIAC": Yeah I had this one little habit when I was a kid, you know breaking necks with the sleep walker when journalists ask me too many questions. I don't like questions!
JAMES NOBLES: If you could wrestle ANYONE in history, who would it be, and why?
"INSOMNIAC": I would love to wrestle my old nemesis from DCW, Jenkins Hawk one more time. That kid was probably my greatest challenge and I'd love to put that kid out again.
JAMES NOBLES: If you could have any job, what would it be, and why?
"INSOMNIAC": I would enjoy being a professional archer. That's what I do a lot in my free time, when I'm not snapping necks with the Sleep Walker. I even once made the
national team for archery but turned it down to wrestle here in SWF though
JAMES NOBLES: What's the best advice you could give to a new wrestler?
"INSOMNIAC": Keep trying, life doesn't hand you the oppurtunity to blow it to hell. You're not going to be hot shit in about two weeks, but keep it up and one day you may get the priviledge to wrestle me.