LAST UPDATED: 09-19-00

Chaz "The Superstar" Manson
Handler Info | WM2K CAW | Roleplaying Graphics

- The Basics -

Real Name: Chaz Manson
Nickname: Chaz "The Superstar" Manson
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 225 lbs
Hometown: Cleveland, OH - USA
Age: 27
Years Experience: 3(Pro) and 5(Ametuer)

Alignment: Heel
Gimmick: Chaz is a very cocky individual who is a very good wrestler, but uses his ability to get under his opponent's skin as his main tactic. Unique, doesn't handle authority well.
Wrestling Style: Chaz is pretty much an all arounder, using technical wrestling with high flying.

Theme Music: "Eyeless" by Slipknot

- Attributes -


- Appearance And History -

Physical Appearance:
Chaz is very athletic, yet he isn't exactly "ripped" like a freak. His muscles are well defined though. Caucasion, trimmed bleach-blonde hair, trimmed goatee is sometimes present, although he shaves it off oftentimes.

In-Ring Attire:
Wife beater and baggy jeans(dark blue or black) with black wrestling boots, taped in white athletic tape

Casual Attire:
Wears a lot of baggy clothling, mostly jeans but sometimes shorts, white shirts with unbuttoned shirts over top... mostly the same trend of clothing popular now.

RWF U.S. Champ (X3)

Previous Federations Wrestled In:
RWF, POW, & a few other smaller feds

Life History:
Chaz was born on June 27, 1973 in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio. He is the youngest of two brothers and one sister. He led a pretty normal life as a youngster. He played High School Football for all four of his high school years, setting many school records in his playing. He graduated from high school in 1991, left home to Ohio State University for 4 years majoring in Graphic Design and Computer Maintenance. After graduating from OSU in 1995, he and his fellow graduates attended a wrestling show in Cleveland, Ohio. Most others tried to mock the event for being "fake" and "a waste of time". Contrary to his friends, Chaz was mesmerized by the sport. As a child he watched wrestling, but never took it to be much. His parents and siblings made fun of him for liking such an activity, so he refrained from watching it. Now, as an adult, he had made his own choice. Before the show was even over, Chaz realized what he wanted to be. Not a graphics designer or a computer maintenance worker... a professional wrestler. 6 months later, Chaz signed up for wrestling school. His teacher was amazed by his wrestling knowledge and ability to move like none other. At the same time he was attenting wrestling school, Chaz studied with a Japanese Master, named Tikamato Shizaki, about the martial arts. After the wrestling school went out of business, Chaz had no where to go. Then, he turned to his mentor, Tikamato Shizaki. Unknowing to Chaz, Shizaki was a former pro wrestling who wrestled in the Japanese leagues. Over a two year period, Chaz and Tikamato traveled from Japan to Mexico to the United States. In 1997, Chaz got his first long term wrestling job at an independant organization in Columbus, Ohio. Shortly after, he was contacted by the owner of a much larger fed. Chaz began working there, skipping from fed to fed for nearly 3 years. Chaz now owns his own wrestling promotion and continues to wrestle, only at the young age of 27.

Specialty Match: N/A
Weapon of Choice: N/A

- Move List -

Five Or More Trademark Moves:
1) "Reality Check" - Reverse Underhook DDT (Tomikazee)
2) "Chaz-Cutter" - 3/4 Nelson Neckbreaker (Diamond Cutter)
3) "Manson Massacre" - Full Nelson forward Russian Legsweep (Stroke w/ Full Nelson applied)
4) "Superstition" - Springboard into Spear
5) "Break Down" - Canadian Backbreaker into Sitdown Matslam (Sit Down Dominator)
6) "Superstar Splash" - Guillotine Legdrop
7) "Chaz-Buster" - Double Underhook Piledriver (Pedigree)
8) "Chaz-Bomb" - Chokeslam into Sit-Down Unarage
9) "Chaz-Driver" - Cradle Piledriver
10) Springboard Tornado DDT

Major Trademark Move:
"Strike 3" - 3 Powerbomb Combo. (Two Powerbombs ending it with a sit-down powerbomb)

Finishing Moves:
"Chaz Plex" - Head-Arm Suplex (Gargoyle Suplex/Tazz-Plex)

- Statistics -
(Note: All Statistics are from the CURRENT SWF Incarnation)

Titles Held: None
Win/Loss: 1 / 0
Current Allies: None
Current Rivals: King Kobra

- Interview By James Nobles -

JAMES NOBLES: What do you think of the SWF upon first impression?

CHAZ MANSON: Nice set up, good wrestlers, solid staffing... just missing a role model.. a SUPERSTAR.

JAMES NOBLES: What got you started in wrestling?

CHAZ MANSON: Wrestling was always my passion and I got lucky and broke into the business.

JAMES NOBLES: If you weren't wrestling, where would your life have led?

CHAZ MANSON: Who knows? Maybe a therapist... I could wear a shirt that says 'I'm not insensitive, I just don't give a crap...' Just a thought.

JAMES NOBLES: Do you have any fallback abilities or plans for your life besides wrestling?

CHAZ MANSON: Once I'm ready to retire, I imagine I'll do something involving wrestling, but I'll cross that bridge later.

JAMES NOBLES: Do you have any secret talents or little habits?

CHAZ MANSON: I can kick someone's ass and talk to them while I do it.

JAMES NOBLES: If you could wrestle ANYONE in history, who would it be, and why?

CHAZ MANSON: Jesus Christ... I'm the REAL Superstar around here.

JAMES NOBLES: If you could have any job, what would it be, and why?

CHAZ MANSON: Theatrical Moisturizer & Consultant.. or in lameman's terms. The guy who rubs oil on the chicks in porn. Do I need to say why? HELLO!

JAMES NOBLES: What's the best advice you could give to a new wrestler?

CHAZ MANSON: Accept it.. Don't deny it.. Chaz Manson IS your role model.

DISCLAIMER: All pictures of actual wrestlers within this site are property of their respective owners, most likely the World Wrestling Federation, World Championship Wrestling, or Extreme Championship Wrestling. No copyright or trademark infringment is intended. All other content, graphics, and HTML within this site is property of the SWF and may not be used without permission, although minor aspects of the page were derived from other federations (HWF and EPWA) or were used in the original SWF run.